How to Clean Upholstery Yourself?

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How to Clean Upholstery Yourself

Your furniture requires attention so that it can last longer and look wonderful. Professional cleaning services are costly. This is why it is important to know how to clean upholstery yourself. Whether they are stubborn tea/coffee stains or leftover food particles, that are hard to clean; there are ways you can do it on your own, amazingly. And we will be sharing them here for you.

How to Clean Upholstery Yourself in 15 Minutes or Less?

There are different ways to clean upholstery yourself and we will be sharing some of them with you here. Through these ways, you will be done within 15 minutes or even less.

Let’s dig in and guide you to get rid of those tea stains, food particles, and pet hair if you have a cat/dog at your place.

1. Vacuum

The best and most important tool to own is a handheld vacuum for your upholstery. There are many vacuum cleaners that come with different nozzles too which allow you to clean your furniture too. So if you have an advanced one, you can use that as well.

Vacuum helps you in getting rid of debris, pet hair and dirt within no time. It is the best way to clean your upholstery yourself. If you don’t have a vacuum, then we recommend you to invest in one. It will make your life easier.

2. DIY Solution; Detergent, Baking Soda and Vinegar:

Detergent alone can also be helpful but this solution does magic. It works great for chairs but if you add a bit of baking soda and vinegar to it, you will be much happier with the results.

Your upholstery will change its color and will look like new. Use a cloth and dip it in the solution and scrub your upholstery lightly with it. If you can, place the furniture outdoors in the sun, so that it dries faster.

We would recommend you to try this for chairs only because they are easier to move out. Or you can try it on your couch which is receiving direct sunlight in your house.

3. Try Detergent and White Vinegar:

The above-mentioned solution is great for getting rid of dirt. But if you have stains on your upholstery, then this solution will work better. White vinegar fights stubborn stains amazingly well. Scrub this solution a little harder on the stained areas and you are good to go! They will be gone.

Also, pour this in a spray bottle and then spray it on the furniture. Clean it immediately with a soft cloth. This won’t let excessive solution ruin the furniture.

4. Leather Upholstery DIY Solution:

If your upholstery is of leather, then you will need a different solution. Mix together olive oil and vinegar and put it in a spray bottle. Simply spray this solution on the upholstery and use a soft cloth to clean it.

5. Upholstery Steam Cleaning Machines:

After vacuum cleaners, upholstery steam cleaners are another great option to invest in. These are usually used by professional furniture cleaners but they are now readily accessible in the market.

They are also available in compact sizes which makes them a great option for individuals who wish to clean their upholstery themselves. There are various options that you can choose from. Just make sure that you research for the best one before you purchase it.

These are some of the basic and easiest ways of how to clean upholstery yourself. You can easily make DIY solutions at home or just invest in a vacuum that helps you clean all types of furniture. And the job becomes easier and quicker.

Tips for Cleaning a Couch:

  1. If you maintain your couch and take care of it, it will last extremely long.
  2. Primarily, it is crucial to dust and vacuum your couch on a regular basis.
  3. Secondly, you can rotate the cushions and you must prevent just one side from receiving all the debris and dirt.
  4. If you always sit on the same cushion base, it will develop a dent and look extremely ugly.
  5. Moreover, if you spill tea or any drink, make sure that you clean it right away.
  6. Yes, it will leave the stain but if you prolong the process, the stain will get stubborn and permanent too.
  7. Clean it and then you can make a solution and rub it to get rid of the stain.

What Type of Upholstery Cleaning Machine Is Good For Cleaning?

The best machine to clean your upholstery yourself is a steam cleaner. Investing in a steam cleaner is indisputably one of the best decisions that one can make.

If you have one, you know that these machines are nothing less than monsters and work extremely well when it comes to cleaning furniture upholstery. With little to no effort at all, you get rid of the most stubborn stains on your upholstery with a steam cleaner.

Also, they are well-known for removing pathogens as well because steam does wonders in removal of bacteria etc.

Should I Buy Specific Upholstery Cleaning Solutions?

Well, it really depends on what you want but yes, you can buy specific upholstery solutions. There are innumerable upholstery cleaning solutions in the market at the moment. But all of them are not that great.

If you don’t have a vacuum or a steam cleaner, then you can invest in a cleaning solution for sure. Scotch Gard and Northern Labs are known for the best upholstery cleaning solutions in the market right now.

DIY Cleaning Vs Cleaning Solutions or Machines?

DIY cleaning has certainly rolled up with time. People prefer cleaning their upholstery on their own, with homemade solutions. But for people who already have machines, like a steam cleaner or a furniture specific handheld vacuum; they find it the best and quickest option.

Being honest, it really comes down to your budget. A lot of people tend to choose DIY cleaning because it is extremely cheap and the outcome is great too. However, the steam cleaners and vacuums make the task very quick.

Thus, it is for you to choose what suits you best because all of them work amazingly well. But good advice would be to try a DIY solution first and if you are not satisfied then you can try out a specific cleaning solution or invest in a machine.

How Frequent Should You Clean Your Upholstery?

Dust your upholstery every now and then. But when it comes to deep cleaning, then you need to do it every second month. A lot of people say that doing it after 3-4 months is fine; but it really is not. 2 months are enough to let your upholstery absorb all the dirt and debris.

Also, try to get your upholstery cleaned professionally once a year so that it is infected from bacteria and is cleaned properly from inside out.

Final Words About Cleaning Upholstery

So now that you know all about how to clean upholstery yourself, you need to get done to the job! Make sure that you are not avoiding this task because you really don’t want to ruin your upholstery and invest in a new one too soon. Try the DIY solutions and we hope it works for you.

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